Maria McDowell

Founder, Lollipop Mentoring

Maria has been working in the advertising industry for over twenty years, leading and managing teams and departments. Throughout her career, she has always wanted to do more and make a positive impact. Being the only Black person and often the only woman in meetings, she felt a strong desire to support others like her and improve opportunities for Black women in the industry. As a mum to a twelve-year-old daughter, this cause is especially important and close to her heart.

She is also passionate about mentoring and coaching, and has previously served on the BIMA mentoring council and as the Head of Mentorship at the Brixton Finishing School. She believes in the powerful impact a mentor or advocate can have on someone's life. This is why she founded lollipop mentoring, a purpose led initiative which pairs mid-level black women with senior mentors from all races. lollipop has also expanded its services to also include mentoring and young diverse talent.

In addition to speaking and mentoring, she also works as a consultant for agencies looking to improve their culture and support their teams. She offers guidance and support to organisations wanting to create a positive and inclusive environment for their employees.