Video consumption and the resilience of other formats // Crowdsourcing Entertainment: How YouTube Has Become the Most Streamed Platform on TV
Date & Time
Thursday, April 18, 2024, 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Henry Williams Jess Markwood Lucy Woodall


10:00am - 10:15am (15 mins)
Video consumption and the resilience of other formats

While the mix of video viewing has changed considerably over the past decade, total daily viewing per person has remained fairly static despite the increase in content, service, and device options available to consumers. How is video evolving to grow overall consumption, and what are content providers doing to grow their share? Will the resilience of other AV activities be challenged as formats converge?

Presenter: Henry Williams, Senior Consultant, Oliver & Ohlbaum Associates

10.15am - 10.30am (15 mins)
Crowdsourcing Entertainment: How YouTube Has Become the Most Streamed Platform on TV

YouTube has retained its ranking as the no1 streaming platform in both the UK and US for another year running. But what’s the secret sauce behind what makes YouTube unique? Lucy Woodall, Creator Marketing Lead at YouTube and Jess Markwood, COO at THE FIFTH will be discussing exactly that. Lucy is tasked with growing YouTube’s creator ecosystem and making it the go-to platform for creators. The session will cover how the brand has built its loyal community and explore the lessons all other brand marketers can take from the platform’s success.

Presenter: Lucy Woodall, Creator Marketing Lead, YouTube
Presenter: Jess Markwood, COO, The Fifth


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Full Address
etc.venues County Hall
Belvedere Rd
London SE1 7PB
United Kingdom